Simple training steps

Now here’s the fun part!!! As you welcome your new puppy, don’t forget about the responsibility of guiding their behavior and teaching them essential skills. Puppy training is not only about teaching commands, it’s about fostering a strong bond, setting boundaries, and ensuring a well-mannered and confident puppy. I’ve put together a few simple yet effective puppy training techniques that will lay the groundwork for a well-behaved and happy pup.

Positive Reinforcement:

This is the KEY to your training technique! Reward your puppy with treats, praise, and affection when they do the things you want them to do. This can be sitting, lying down, or coming when called. Use treats that your puppy loves and keep training sessions short and engaging. TIP: After week 12 or all shots have been given, I find that a high value treat they love is little pieces of a rotisserie chicken.

Basic Commands:

Teaching basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “down,” and “come” is crucial for your puppy’s safety and your peace of mind. Start with one command at a time and be patient. Use high value treats and consistent verbal cues while gradually reducing treats as your puppy becomes more used to the commands.

Crate Training:

This is the most important step!! We can’t stress enough how crate training provides your puppy with a safe and cozy space where they can rest and retreat. This prevents them from having potty accidents all over the house or chewing/eating harmful household items. Introduce the crate gradually, placing treats and toys inside. Make sure the crate is associated with positive experiences and never EVER use it for punishment.

Potty Training:

Consistency is key when it comes to potty training, along with PATIENCE! Take your puppy out frequently, especially after meals, naps, and playtime. When they potty outside, praise them and offer treats. Try to use a command word too. If accidents happen indoors, clean the area thoroughly to remove the scent. Never scold them for accidents in the house. They’ll just want to hide it next time!

Leash Training:

Introduce your puppy to a leash and collar early on. Let them get used to wearing them before going outside for a walk. Start with short walks and use positive reinforcement (those high value treats!) to reward them for walking calmly by your side.


Expose your puppy to various people, animals, environments, and experiences during their critical socialization period (between 3 and 14 weeks of age). Positive interactions during this time can prevent fear and aggression later in life. Just be mindful of taking your puppy to public areas, even a walk in the neighborhood, before all vaccinations have been given.

No Jumping or Biting:

Teach your puppy not to jump on people by turning away and ignoring them when they jump. For biting or nipping, redirect their attention to a toy or offer a chew item. A loud screech also helps alert the puppy that they just hurt you. This helps them learn appropriate ways to interact.


If your puppy behaves with excessive barking or nipping, consider using time-outs. Gently remove them from the situation for a brief moment, so they associate these behaviors with losing attention.


We have recently partnered with Baxter & Bella, an online training solution for new and existing puppy owners! Use our code: sugarcane for 25% off and a lifetime of support!!!!


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